Signal peptide prediction tool using protein large language model (PLM)


Multiple sequences must be seperated by ids which are new lines started with '>'. If there is no symbol '>', the whole text will be treated as one sequence. (maximum 10 sequences).



ID Job Nickname Submitted Time (Local) Progress


Example to submit a job:

1. Enter PEFT-SP tool (you are here).
2. Enter protein sequences in FASTA format in the text area.
3. Click on the "Submit" button.

Example outputs:

The example below shows the output for protein with Sec signal peptide. The table shows likelihood of predicted signal peptide. The predicted signal peptide is one of follow:
  • Sec signal peptide (Sec/SPI)
  • Lipoprotein signal peptide (Sec/SPII)
  • Tat signal peptide (Tat/SPI)
  • Tat lipoprotein signal peptide (Tat/SPII)
  • Pilin signal peptide (Sec/SPIII)
  • No signal peptide at all (Other)

If a signal peptide is predicted, the cleavage site position is shown as a vertical line in the plot. The positions of the following regions are predicted by the model:
  • n-region: The basic region in N-terminal of the signal peptide for Sec/SPI, Sec/SPII, Tat/SPI, and Tat/SPII. Regions are labeled as N.
  • h-region: The hydrophobic region of the signal peptide for Sec/SPI, Sec/SPII, Tat/SPI and Tat/SPII. Regions are labeled as H.
  • c-region: The polar region in C-terminal region of the signal peptide for Sec/SPI and Tat/SPI. Regions are labeled as C.
  • Twin-arginine motif: The twin-arginine (R-R) motif at the end of the N-region for Tat signal peptides. Regions are labeled as R.
  • Sec/SPIII: These signal peptides have no known region structure.